Demand Thoroughbred Racing SA Bans the Barbaric Sport of Jumps Racing

  • van: Georgia B
  • ontvanger: Chief Executive Officer Jim Watters, Thoroughbred Racing SA

Jumps racing in South Australia has claimed the lives of a total of 17 horses since 2009.

Despite public outrage and calls from the state government for it to be banned, jumps racing will continue, according to a report on

The debate around the 'sport' was reignited after a horse was recently euthanised because of a leg injury suffered in a fall in the Adelaide Hills.

"The SA Racing Minister has pressured Thoroughbred Racing SA to end the sport in light of the incident, labelling jumps racing 'barbaric'."

The report states: "The SA government said it had limited control over the thoroughbred racing industry because the former Liberal government corporatised the industry in 2001. It said the decision to continue with jumps events rests with Thoroughbred Racing SA."

It's time to end the suffering of horses. Please sign and share the petition to demand Thoroughbred Racing SA bans jumps racing now!

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