Animal poisoning is EVIL and barbaric...

This petition is being started by myself Marilyn Mandy Cooke) and with the support of Hope 4 pets North Cyprus. Animals, house pets, stray cats and dogs are being poisoned here in Lapta Northern Cyprus on a daily basis.

The animals die in the most horrific way and sometimes a long lingering death depending on the poison used.

We pay our taxes here, we get the dogs and cats "done", microchip and pay animal tax to the Beleydere. My question is are the Lapta Belediyesi investigating this? If not WHY not?

Every bit of pressure helps.....

Walking by this farm about a week ago was a large dog dead not many meters from the farm.

We the residents can no longer except these " incidents" to continue.

We need people to sign this petition - Please share if you feel strongly about animal rights.

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