Change the animals systems

Is time to all animals lovers step into the animals shelters we can be they voice...... Is time to the government do something about the animals system they don't deserve to be kill in the shelters without have at chances to be adopted........ Is time the government pay atencion to then also they are creatures with life they deserve to be treated like humans because they haven filling too, but most of them suffer more in the shelters because the way been treated in those places why the government Dosent increase the taxes in alcohol and tobacco made some extra money to training programs for personal who works with the animals find the way can animals be neutered/ sprayed with out pay at lot of money.......... Make less the payment for adoptions ...... Thing the at lot of the been using like K9 officers why can't not put some programs to training in the behavior a lot K9 been kill for the bad people and the shelters been killing them for no reason without second chances is time to change the animals system they don't deserve to be kill

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