The Peanuts Gang LEGO Brickheadz

  • van: Kurt Lammi
  • ontvanger: Fans of LEGO and The Peanuts Gang

When it comes to The Peanuts Gang, Lucy is known for calling Charlie Brown a "block head." This petition is a proposal to make that statement literally true. Please sign this petition to convince the LEGO Group to make this series of The Peanuts Gang Brickheadz that I have designed.

There are 14 Peanuts Gang characters in this series: Woodstock on a bird bath (48 pieces), Snoopy on his dog house (88 pieces), Charlie Brown (76 pieces), Linus (72 pieces), Pig Pen (122 pieces), Franklin (67 pieces), Schroeder (111 pieces), Lucy (96 pieces), Sally (111 pieces), The Little Red Haired Girl (99 pieces), Peppermint Patty (93 pieces), Marcie (76 pieces), Violet (75 pieces), and Patty (89 pieces). Designed for Peanuts fans of any age, these 14 classic Peanuts friends will bring delight to all who build them and all who see them. Who's the "block head" now, Lucy?

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