Congress: Protect Wildlife, People and Pets from Wildlife Service's Use of Deadly Poisons

In recent weeks, we've heard heartbreaking stories about family pets who have been killed by deadly poisons used by the USDA's Wildlife Services program to control predators.

Tragically, the few incidents making headlines are among thousands involving pets, wild animals and people across the nation who have become victims of the government's senseless war on wildlife.

For years, animal advocates and conservationists have been working to rid the landscape of M-44s (sodium cyanide) and Compound 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) – two particularly deadly and indiscriminate poisons used by Wildlife Services.

Not only are these poisons disturbingly cruel and ineffective, they're putting non-target animals, endangered species, us and our pets at risk of of being fatally poisoned.

However, the Chemical Poisons Reduction Act, now otherwise known as "Canyon's Law," would ban the use of both M-44s and Compound 1080 to control predators.

Please sign and share the petition urging members of Congress to support and co-sponsor this critical piece of legislation that would end their use.

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