It's Unethical To Eat Turkey Testicles

A small town pub in Illinois thinks they're being cute with their "Turkey Testicle Festival," but actually they are being horrible. It could just be a bizarrely named music festival, but it's not. It's actually a festival where people eat fried turkey testicles, and it's pretty gross. They've been holding this festival for over 35 years and it needs to end.

Please sign the petition to ask that this festival is canceled. 

An incredible amount of turkeys are already losing their lives this month just so Americans can celebrate genocide. But specifically having an event where an animal's genitals are the main course? That is truly heinous.

Last year there were 1,200 pounds of turkey testicles served at this festival. A lot of people don't even like them, but they try them just to say they did. That means that they buy testicles from an animal who was probably treated inhumanely during its life, take one bite and then throw them away. What a horrible waste. 

The festival demonstrates just how little respect these people have for animals. They could keep the weird name and still have bands perform, but there is simply no need to castrate turkeys and eat their testicles in a gathering.

Please sign on to shut this festival down for animal cruelty. 
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