Please help find the person or people who set this baby kitten on fire!!!!

  • van: April Lynn
  • ontvanger: Animal lovers across the world!

The Pennsylvania SPCA is asking for the public’s help regarding a kitten found Thursday that appears to have been intentionally set on fire.

The kitten was found on the 3100 block of F Street near McPherson Square Park in Kensington.

“The black and white male kitten is approximately 4-5 weeks old and is burned over a third of its body, primarily on the head and back,” said George Bengal, PSPCA Director of Law Enforcement in a statement. “This is a horrendous act of cruelty to inflict on a helpless animal.”

According to Bengal, the SPCA was notified by a local citizen who found the kitten. A humane law enforcement officer brought the kitten back to SPCA headquarters where veterinarians administered medical care and pain medications. The kitten was then transferred to a rescue partner to receive intensive care for its injuries. Veterinarians are hopeful that the kitten will survive.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Pennsylvania SPCA Anti-Cruelty Hotline at 866-601-SPCA.

Please help to find the peope or person that intentionally set fire to this precious, baby kitten. Anyone with information is asked to call the Pennsylvania SPCA Anti-Cruelty Hotline at 866-601-SPCA.

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