Ban the Pig-Farming Drug Ractopamine!

U.S. farmers continue to use the growth-promoting drug ractopamine on their animals, even after bans in China, Russia and the European Union. Now, beef producers are switching to the harmful drug because of regulations on a similar substance.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, ractopamine is linked to nearly a quarter million harmful incidences in pigs, including lameness, intense pain and death. Drug residues make their way into pork products that humans consume.

Ractopamine is responsible for more harmful incidents than any other animal drug. Its use should not be expanded, but rather banned completely to protect farm animals and the humans who consume their products. Please sign the petition to urge the USDA to ban ractopamine!

We, the undersigned, are concerned that U.S. farmers continue to use the growth-promoting drug ractopamine on their animals, even after bans in China, Russia and the European Union. Now, beef producers are switching to the harmful drug because of regulations on a similar substance.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, ractopamine is linked to nearly a quarter million harmful incidences in pigs, including lameness, intense pain and death. Drug residues make their way into pork products that humans consume.

Ractopamine is responsible for more harmful incidents than any other animal drug. We believe its use should not be expanded, but rather banned completely to protect farm animals and the humans who consume their products. We respectfully urge you to ban the use of ractopamine on any animals. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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