To stop the unnatural death of wildlife in India

  • van: Koushik D
  • ontvanger: Narendra Modi PM of India

The number of unnatural death of wild animals like Tiger, Leopard, Elephant, Rhino, Sloth Bear, different species of Deer, Monkey, Pangolin, Turtle and many species of Birds are increasing in India. Many of those species are fighting with extinction and they are in red list according to Wild Life Protection act.

Tigers, Leopards Rhinos and Elephants are victimized in electrocution, poisoning, animal human conflict, poaching, rail/road accident etc when other species like Deers, Pangolins and many species of Birds are victimized in illegal trade..There are few examples..

We need immediate attention for this issue.

We need forest guards to counter poachers. We need sufficient corridors for animals to avoid road kills and rail collisions. Awareness needs to be spread through unconscious tribal people near forest area to avoid human animal conflicts. And above all, government has to change their neglectful attitude and to create love towards animals

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