Petition to Repeal the MI Drivers Responsibility Fee

We are the MIDRF Repeal. We are working to repeal the Michigan Drivers Responsibility Fee.
The State government has burdened its citizens with this law, to fund the state.
This law is illegal. Due to the fact that when a person violates a law that is effected by the Drivers Responsibility Fee Law, they are accessed fines by more than one government entity.

We need your help! Let's make Michigan Great Again!

The Citiziens of the State of Michigan feel that this law needs to be repealed! This law charges the states citizens more than once for the same offense. While placing unjust financial hardship on the violator, and families. In an already bad economic landscape. I'm asking you to please fight for the Repeal of the Drivers Responsibility Fee. It is the right thing to do.

Thank you for taking the time to read our letter.

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