Save the Crispin

Without any community consultation, Tesco PLC have announced that they want to convert our local community pub, the Crispin Inn (on Ashgate Road, Chesterfield, England) into a mini-supermarket.  The vast majority of the community are against this, but that doesn't seem to bother Tesco, or the current owners of the building (Enterprise Inns). We the signatories to this petition say "think twice - this is our local pub!".  Save the Crispin Inn!

Dear Tesco and Enterprise Inns,

We like our local pub, and we don't want it to become a Tesco Express mini-market.  We want it to stay as a pub.  Please ask a community before you try to take away one of their community assets!

We are also seriously concerned about traffic growth in and out of the site at a dangerous point on the road, and the effects on existing independent local shops.

Yours sincerely,
The Undersigned

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