From Public Schools to Job Schools

    Public Schooling was invented on April 23, 1635. Today’s date is September 23, 2018. Things have changed since then. It was a beginning none of us were in, a past era. We as millennials of the 2000 and live to see the NEW 20’s have vocalized our views on public schooling. Yes it was affective for the time it was in, but I hate to break it to you with the things we know now mixed with the opportunity to create a more evolved human would be evolutionary to our kind. Job schooling would be similar to training. Careers is where everyone wants to be. We are intelligent beyond our education.
    I propose we open career schoolings, where they teach you the logistics to know in order to succeed at that job. The Human brain is extraordinarily coordinated. But we store it with the things we will never do learned at public schools. We would function as a society better if we could actually live our dream job. That eagerness to do something but don’t have the money or opportunities. It would improve poverty, rate of crime would decrease, and build new job opportunities. We don’t have to be under the control of old government schooling. It’s time for a change.
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    petitie tekenen
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