Petition to the MPAA to Remove Smoking from Youth-rated Movies (G, PG, PG-13)

Hollywood has a hold on young people the way that no other medium does. Youths, with the highest exposure to smoking in movies, are nearly three times more likely to start smoking themselves. Smoking in movies is the most powerful pro-tobacco influence on kids today, accounting for more than one-third of all youths who start smoking. Add to this the knowledge that two out of every three G-, PG- and PG-13-rated movies include on-screen smoking or tobacco imagery. Do your part to end the influence of big tobacco on America's youth!

We, the undersigned public health advocates, call upon the Motion Picture Association of America to adopt the following changes to the rating system:

Movies featuring on-screen smoking or tobacco imagery will be rated "R" by the Ratings Board unless it is determined that the presentation of tobacco clearly reflects the dangers of tobacco use or accurately portrays the smoking behavior of a historical figure.
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