STOP. To The BULLFIGH put elegant to this abominable atrocius repugnant barbarity!!!!

I turn me to the authorities of spain, country that is considered civil,that is of fact a menber of the community europea and despite this,continuo sto maintain this repugnant  disgust that is the BULLFIGH. I turn me to out community  of people sensitive, lovers of the animals all, this is not my petition and' ours, help ed to stop me, this absolute cruelty  with every mean. I don't have the possibility to make to turn the petition, if care 2 thing  her important,makes her him, only united all toghedar we can win! VV  il toro  in culo al matador . Ahora es Claro che todo El mundo dice stop ha las corrida ,las gente esta' cansada de esta mierda.                                                   

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