Trump Has Money For Notre Dame But Not Puerto Rico Or Flint

The fire at Notre Dame is a tragedy; the loss of art and history is a big one. So it may seem good that Trump offered to help France rebuild. But in reality, there are many domestic issues that need that money much more than a foreign cathedral, especially Flint Michigan and Puerto Rico

Sign on to tell Trump the money he offered to France for Notre Dame should instead go to clean water for Flint and disaster aid for Puerto Rico. 

When comparing Notre Dame with Flint and Puerto Rico, there is one glaring difference: the people involved and the color of their skin. Puerto Rico is predominantly people of color and so is Flint Michigan, while Catholics and French people are mostly white. It's no secret that Trump is a racist jerk, but it's times like this when we need to stand up against that. 

It's been over 5 years since the people of Flint, Michigan had clean water to drink, shower and clean with. The funding going to help them is slow going. And the aid for Puerto Rico, where 3000 died from Hurricane Maria, is tied up in Congress because they are fighting about it while people are suffering. 

The fact that private donors raised about $675 million for Notre Dame in about a dar after the fire and governments are still stepping in just shows how bizarre our priorities are. Please sign on to ask Trump to give the money he offered to France to Flint and Puerto Rico. 
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