Stop Boko Haram!

Boko Haram is an extremist Islamic Militant group in Nigeria and a few surrounding countries, more easily defined as terrorists. Since 2002 they've been terrorizin their country with heartbreaking acts of violence and human rights violations.
"Terrorist group Boko Haram claimed the lives of 59 students at a Christian school in northern Nigeria last Tuesday.

Some 50 men ambushed the school, then beat and shot staff and students. Once finished, they set fire to the buildings, with many students still inside. It's the fourth attack of its kind since may of last year.

Boko Haram, whose name means "Western education is a sin,” is a radical Islamist group closely affiliated with Al Qaeda.

For the past two years, they've attacked civilians in Nigeria, destroying the country's infrastructure to create greater chaos. Their goal is to set up an Islamic state in the country's north. The groups attack have increasingly become more elaborate and bloody,(Rome Reports, 2014)."

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