Demand Butts County Allocate The Needed Funds to Expand the County Animal Shelter to meet demand

    Butts county is growing and with it , unfortunately, so is the counties homeless pet population. Yet, the county shelter hasn’t been “upgraded” in decades to meet the growing demand of an expanding pet population.

    Please stand with the residents of Butts County in asking that proper and adequate funds be allocated to upgrade the local small animal shelter to a larger facility with more cages and run capabilities to meet the expanding pet population.

    The fact is Georgia is growing and so is Butts county. “Butts county’s population increased 8 out of 11 years between year 2010 and year 2021” “Butts county, Georgia’s estimated 2023 population is 25, 968 with a growth rate of .69% in the last year according to the most recent U.S. census data.”

    Here in Butts county and surrounding counties like Jenkinsburg and Locust Grove we see neighborhoods and development everywhere and we see the county allocating gov. funds to new rec centers, courthouses and more, yet the dog shelter and kennels have stayed the same for decades. The county has yet to allocate the funds needed to expand and grow the county animal shelter to meet the expanding population.

    Please sign and share this petition to support expanding the Butts county animal shelter facilities with new buildings to meet the current and growing demand here in Butts county. Thank you!

    We appreciate your support! Please remember to spay and neuter your animals and volunteer if you are able! God bless all! From the concerned citizens and local animal lovers in Butts county
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