Stop Animal Cruelty in Pet Stores

  • van: Joel W
  • ontvanger: United States Congress

Over a million cats and dogs were euthanized in American shelters last year. So why are pet stores still allowed to sell kittens and puppies that come from puppy and kitten mills? On a volunteer basis, many big box stores are already selling only dogs and cats that come from pet rescues.

Some states and cities have already made it illegal for pet stores to sell live animals that aren't rescues. Other states are following suit. But many states will not jump on board unless such law is mandated at the federal level.

Furthermore, some pet stores still traffic in animals that were stolen out of their habitat. Animals like parrots, turtles, snakes, geckos, and lizards are just as likely to have been stolen from their families as raised by responsible breeders.

We need Congressional action on this issue because wild and domestic animals have never been more at risk than they are today. Please join with me in demanding that the United States Congress put a stop to sales of any animals that do not come from a rescue.

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