Keep Skippack Safe- Carriage Run Mail Delivery during Covid-19 Stay at Home Order


Representative Webster is aware of the difficulties your community faces trying to receive mail and follow social distancing guidelines. We have been in contact with the federal government to try to resolve this issue and we hope to hear back from them soon.

Office of Rep. Joe Webster

Keep calls coming in!!!
NOTE: you have the chance to not display your name, if you'd rather not share.

Some residents of Skippack Township, including the Carriage Run development, do not receive mail delivery and are required to pick up all mail and packages at the Skippack Post Office. For those in a high-risk group for Covid-19 (over 60, immunocompromised, etc), getting mail at the Post Office could be risky. These same populations may be the same ones relying on mail as their only lifeline to the outside world. Some even rely on paper Social Security checks and other items to keep their household running in this crisis.
As we all know, staying home can flatten the curve on rising infections in our area.

By signing this petition, you are asking both Carriage Run Homeowners Associations (both sections) to work with the Post Office and Skippack Township to find a solution to get mail delivered to physical locations or alternative.
Thanks for your support!!

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