Daughtry: Don't Support SeaWorld - Orcas Deserve Better!

  • van: Aaron V.
  • ontvanger: Chris Daughtry

SeaWorld Orlando just announced that the band Daughtry, led by American Idol finalist Chris Daughtry, would headline one day of their upcoming music festival (along with Alabama, Steve Miller Band and Foreigner). Sign the petition and urge these performers to cancel their appearances to send the message that killer whales don't belong in captivity.

Since the film "Blackfish" aired extensively on CNN, a massive outcry has demanded an end to the inhumane practice of keeping these intelligent, highly social animals in enclosures the relative size of hot tubs. It is heartbreaking that these orcas have been stripped of their families and their ability to live in the wild, swimming hundreds of miles, hunting as a pack, and caring for their young together. All for the entertainment of tourists and the enrichment of SeaWorld's corporate profits.

Sign this petition to add your voice to the call to end orcas in captivity, and ask Chris Daughtry to stand against the horrible treatment of such amazing animals.

Please support a more caring and compassionate world and an end to killer whales in captivity. Please cancel your appearance at SeaWorld.

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