Help Save Bear

  • van: Toni pawson
  • ontvanger: Law enforcement, Legislators, SPCA, Suffolk County DA We are requesting permission to enter the property and rescue Bear

We citizens and animal rights activists ask that the Suffolk County DA issue a warrant to the SCSPCA to mount what Chief Roy Gross called "a full police style search and rescue"on the entire property of the Manor of St. George in Mastic owned by Trustee George Furman for the dog seen in photos, videos and by many officials including SCSPCA Officer John Thompson and known as Bear or Sneakers.

Bear is a stray dog that is abandoned in St George Manor, in Mastic, NY. The owners of the property, which consists of many, many acres, will not allow anyone on the property to try and save Bear. Bear has no source of food, water, or shelter. Any attempts or pleas have been denied to try and save Bear. Turstee (George H. Furman) for the property, according to a source via telephone conversation, REFUSES TO ALLOW ACCESS ON THE PROPERTY. We just want to help this dog, and find a forever home, provide medical treatment, not destroy the protery in anyway.   Please sign the petition to try and Save Bear and let the authorities hear our cries. We are the voice for the voiceless Bear!

Please support the Facebook page and join in the protests ongoing Thursday 2pm

Update #18 jaar geleden
We citizens and animal rights activists ask that the Suffolk County DA issue a warrant to the SCSPCA to mount what Chief Roy Gross called "a full police style search and rescue"on the entire property of the Manor of St. George in Mastic owned by Trustee George Furman for the dog seen in photos, videos and by many officials including SCSPCA Officer John Thompson and known as Bear or Sneakers.
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