A Migrant Child Died Without His Family Around Him. Justice for Ángel!

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra

You might have missed the heartbreaking story of Ángel, the 17-year-old migrant child from Honduras who died in a U.S. government shelter in Florida. This is the second death of an unaccompanied migrant child in just two months -- and the blood is on the United States' hands. In a time when the plight of migrant children is under scrutiny, these deaths are a clear indication of the need for policy overhaul. 

Sign the petition to demand a full, transparent investigation into these deaths and improved conditions for unaccompanied migrant children in U.S. custody! 

Ángel died while in the care of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and their response to this tragedy has been woefully inadequate. Acknowledging the death is not enough -- his dream of safety and a better future was cut tragically short, and the details surrounding his death remain shrouded in mystery. We need answers, transparency, and accountability.

Sign the petition to demand HHS conduct a comprehensive investigation into Ángel's death, a review of conditions in migrant children shelters, and the implementation of legislation ensuring the safety and welfare of all migrant children. 

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