#LetStaceySpeakDNC: Stacey Abrams, the soul of Voter's rights fight, let her voice be heard!!

Stacey Abrams, the soul of Voter's rights fight, should speak at Dem National Convention!
Stacey Abrams leads the battle of John Lewis, in protecting voter's rights! Along with the late Rep. John Lewis, Stacey Abrams advances the cause of equal access to vote through the development of her organizations: Fair Fight, that organizes voter protection teams across the country, and Fair Count, which promotes accurate census reporting, to protect fair congressional representation of all Americans. Additionally, she is active in advocating for the future viability of our planet, through her participation in Climate Power 2020 and World War Zero, both organizations addressing climate change! In the Southern Economic Advancement initiative, she works to broaden economic power and equity in the South. Additionally, she is active in assuring greater access to healthcare. In her campaign for GA governor, she gained more votes than any democratic candidate in the history of GA, brought out 136% more young voters, 43% more black votes and 3 times as many Latinx/Asian American Pacific islander votes. Leader Abrams speaks for Southern young, POC, disenfranchised and sporadic voters, as well as those who consistently vote Democrats! Stacey Abrams embodies the best of 'the soul of America' in her commitment to defending the right to vote for all Americans, and fighting for equity in economic, social welfare and healthcare for all Americans. She reflects the concerns of most young Americans in her activism for climate change and judicial reform issues. At a time when America desperately needs inspirational leaders of integrity who can inspire and motivate young, disenfranchised, disillusioned people to vote, Stacey Abrams' voice needs to be heard! Put Stacey Abrams on the schedule of DNC speakers!!!

@scultzohio @TomPerez @TheDemocrats @SymoneDSanders 

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