Trademe ban the sales of ivory on your site!

Each day, over 50 elephants are butchered around the world just to make ivory trinkets!  Elephants suffer and feel pain, and they have long term supportive bonds between relatives.  When one elephant is killed it affects the entire family group for a long time afterwards. 

Every single ivory bracelet, pendant, necklace or trinket represents a dead elephant.  New Zealand's role in the trade of ivory makes the country complicit in this crisis.

Elephants are continually put at risk by the prospect of a sanctioned sale of ivory via internet trading sites such as Trade Me.

The problem is that as long as there are loopholes for selling ivory legally, the illegal trade will persist.   ANY sales of ivory carry on demand for this abhorrent trade. Trademe is a marketplace leader and must ban all sales, all together.

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