Workers Need a $15 Minimum Wage — Support the Raise the Wage Act

The newly proposed Raise the Wage Act would incrementally boost the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2024.

Look, it's been a full decade since Congress last raised the minimum wage to $7.25. Needless to say, that rate has not kept up with inflation, and even those who work full-time don't earn enough to reasonably pay rent in a single county throughout the entire country.

People associate the minimum wage with teenage workers, but 88 percent of such employees are actually 21 or older. Whether or not these jobs are low-skill is irrelevant — every worker should at least make enough to cover their necessities, particularly since it's the taxpayers that cover the difference in the form of social programs to help these underpaid workers survive.

First, we want to thank the liberals including Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for getting behind the Raise the Wage Act and acknowledging this problem that needs addressing.

Second, we sign this petition to encourage the Republican members of Congress to get on board and recognize the importance of paying people a living wage in the American economy.

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