Tell Senate Democrats to End Tuberville’s Dangerous Hold on Military Appointments NOW

Hundreds of critically important defense positions have been left unfilled because GOP Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama has put a "hold" on them -- a ridiculous Senate tradition that allows just one senator to block Senate action, even if the other 99 disagree.

Tuberville's action is being denounced by defense experts across the political spectrum as a dangerous threat to military readiness, and national security.

Tuberville is putting our nation at risk because he wants to score points with anti-abortion extremists, who object to the military covering travel expenses for service members who need to obtain the procedure.

Senate Democrats can end this nonsense, and they should right now. The "hold" is not in the Constitution, it's simply a Senate tradition -- an incredibly stupid one — that can be ended at any time by the majority. 

Add your name, and tell Senate Democrats to act NOW and end Tuberville's hold.

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