We need a larger graduation ceremony venue!

In nursing school, we are taught that we are just as much of an advocate as we are a medical professional. We are told to use our education and our status in society to make a difference and to do what's right.
So now we are advocating for ourselves.

We have struggled to earn our degree to have the opportunity to walk this summer. We have made sacrifices by neglecting our relationship with families and friends so we can focus on our studies to become excellent healthcare providers. We have endured financial hardships. We have experienced the bittersweet feeling of progressing to the next semester when other peers weren't as fortunate. We have cried together, studied together, and created lifelong friendships. We rejoice that we have finally reached our destination- we DID it!
It is with a heavy heart that we have been told that the venue the college has selected for our cohort is too small to accommodate all of our family and friends, and that seating is based on a first come first serve basis and once capacity is reached, additional guests cannot enter and instead will be directed to a room where the ceremony is being broadcasted. This has just been informed to us, only a few weeks before our ceremony on July 28th, 2023. What this means is that some families will not even be able to watch their loved one graduate.
We have come together to respectfully request our college administrators to recognize how unfair this is. This is not a day that should be stressful for us and our families. We request that a larger venue is selected that can accommodate all of the family and friends of the 2023 Nebraska Methodist College Cohort. We emphasis that this our moment. This is what we have worked for all year as accelerated nursing students, and for several years as traditional nursing students. We want to rejoice with our loved ones being in the audience as we are handed our diplomas. We do not want to be robbed of that precious and once in a lifetime experience. We plead that our voice is heard and a change of venue is granted.

Please leave a comment why this change of venue is important to you, as a graduating student at NMC.

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