Reject the GOP's plan to ban Women and Gender Studies from Florida colleges!

  • van: OD Action
  • ontvanger: Florida state legislature

Not content with just purging Black history from school curriculums, Florida's radical MAGA governor Ron DeSantis and his cronies in the state house are set to take a sledgehammer to higher education as we know it.

Florida HB 999 would ban diversity statements, ban all women's and gender studies majors, make tenure and faculty hiring committees meaningless, and centralize control of core curricula and mission statements in the hands of GOP-chosen political appointees with a radical ideological agenda.

Tell Florida to protect higher education and reject House Bill 999!

If it passes, all courses must promote "the values necessary to preserve the constitutional republic through traditional, historically accurate" coursework and ban all courses based on "unproven, theoretical, or exploratory content," which flies in the face of the very concept of higher education!

It is as draconian and authoritarian an attack on higher education and free expression as you'll ever see and must be thrown immediately in the dustbin of history.

Tell Florida to reject the GOP's plan to ban Women and Gender Studies from colleges!

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