Find Kids Who Set Cat on Fire!

  • ontvanger: Baltimore Police Department
On December 16, 2017, a cat in Baltimore was assaulted and set it on fire. By the time animal control arrived at the scene, the cat was dead. Baltimore police has just released surveillance footage showing about five suspects who were involved. Sadly, they all appear to be minors.

Please join in urging the Baltimore Police Department to identify these kids and get them the help they so desperately need!

Animal abuse is not something to be taken lightly. According to HSUS, numerous studies show a link between animal abuse and violent behavior towards other humans. A 2001-2004 study by the Chicago Police Department showed that 65% of those arrested for animal abuse had been arrested for battery against another person. When examining seven school shootings that took place across the country between 1997 and 2001, another study showed that all involved boys who had previously committed acts of animal cruelty.

The boys involved in this incident are on a scary path. But with appropriate intervention, we can deliver justice for the deceased cat by helping these boys turn their lives around. Sign now to urge Baltimore police to do whatever they can to find the abusers and get them help.
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