Save the World's Rarest Dolphin: The Hector's Dolphin!

  • van: Anna Tinney
  • ontvanger: NZ Prime Minister John Key and the global community

Do you care about the survival of a beautiful species? Do you want to stop the extinction of the world's smallest and rarest dolphin? If you answered 'Yes' to these questions, then you will want to sign this petition. The Hector's dolphin inhabits waters around the New Zealand coast and grows to an average of 1.4 m in length. Over the last four decades it has suffered a massive population decline as a result of destructive human activity, including gill and trawl nets, pollution, tourism and habitat modification. Their population is estimated at only 7000 left in the world. This petition aims to raise awareness for the plight of this precious and dying species in order to bring about change that could save them from extinction.

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