"go vegan, lengthen your life and animals lives too!"

America is suffering from obesity, heart disease, cancer and other illness that can lead us to a faster death.

What if there was an easy way to prevent that - your diet.

As americans are spoiling themselves with red meats and dairy evry single day, they are shortening their lives and making themselves a greater risk to harmful diseases.

Did you know - red meat is as harmful as a carcinogen?

Not only are we harming ourselves but we're also harming the innocent animals that share this land with us. When you're taking a bite of a burger or a chicken wing do you think of the suffering these animals went through?

Chicken houses are so unsanitary that multiple chicken are dying before they're even ready to be killed for consumption. They also aren't able to move becuse of the unporportional weight of their bodies vs. their legs since we have been developing them to be bigger for our outrageous proportions. 

Help make a change to this world by dismissing meat and animal products from your diet. Help increae the span of your life, your family, your friends and the animals.

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