Please Award the next Nobel Peace Prize to Thich Nhat hanh

  • van: John Siroki
  • ontvanger: Nobel Peace Prize Commitee

Lets restore prestige and honor to the process by making the next recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Thich Nhat Hanh, as you know he is beyond worthy of the award.
Please take action to correct this oversight and not allow another life long beacon of light and practitioner of peace to be overlooked as Gandhi was.
As you know the award cannot be issued posthumously.
At age 86, it's about time that the two time nominee be recognized for his achievements.

Thank you sincerely
John Siroki

More on the life of Thich Nhat Hanh

Lets restore some prestige and honor to the process by making the next recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Thich Nhat Hanh. He is far beyond worthy of the award.
Please take action to correct this oversight and not allow another life long beacon of light and practitioner of peace to be overlooked as Gandhi was. As you know the award cannot be issued posthumously.
At age 86, its time that the two time nominee be recognized for his achievements.

Thank you sincerely
John Siroki

More on the life of Thich Nhat Hanh

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