Better Protection for our pets!

Currently, Lyman allows people to tether a dog up to 9 hours per day! This is just way too long and can open the door for animals to be left out all day and night. 

If an animal is tethered it should be on a line and attached to a harness not a choke collar and for only up to 2-3 hours per day. A neighbor who is saving for a fence said she uses this setup so her loved animal may go out and play, but it's supervised.

If a dog is in a fenced in area it needs to be taken care of:

Clean the pen
Adequate food and water
Shelter from the elements
Pen time should be limited as well! Who wants to live life on a chain or in a pen? NO PET! 

We can do better for our pets and we must look out for animals. 

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen
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