Sign the petition to tell cable companies to kick Fox News off their platforms!

There is perhaps no greater threat to American democracy, unity, and sanity than Rupert Murdoch's Fox "News" network. For decades, Fox has relentlessly pumped right-wing propaganda into American homes, using racism, nativism, and classism to indoctrinate millions with a deeply evil political ideology designed to serve the selfish ambitions of deeply evil billionaires. 

In the era of Trump, Fox's content has become a toxic mixture of hysterical culture war outrage, naked white supremacist rhetoric, baseless anti-vaccine misinformation, and openly hostility to our democracy — a potent cocktail of weaponized insanity that is tearing our country apart at the seams. 

While FOX loves to pretend their "news" and "opinion" divisions are separate, the bias is unmistakable even in their ostensibly objective reporting. The existence of Fox News is a direct threat to the health of our democracy, the public at large, and to the very concept of truth itself. It's long past time American cable companies stopped projecting this poison into the minds of American voters.

Add your name to tell cable companies to drop Fox News from their platforms!  

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