1 in 59 children are born with AUTISM! NON-VERBAL AUTISTIC CHILDREN NEED A FORM OF COMMUNICATION! Children like my son ADAM (Diagnosed A.S.D. NON-VERBAL.& N.O.S) that receive MASS HEALTH are able to receive an AAC DEVICE (iPad device for communication) I have made NEUMEROUS attempts to retrieve this device threw Adams insurance that covers this!! Adams IEP Dr wrote a prescription, I have tried NEUMEROUS WAYS TO GET THIS DEVICE WITH NO AVAIL It has now been 1 YEAR * IN 2014-2019* (2) AND I WILL SAY AGAIN( 2 )CHILDREN IN THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS HAVE RECEIVED AN AAC DEVICE!!!!!! MY DEMAND IS TO MAKE THIS DEVICE EASIER FOR NON-VERBAL AUTISTIC CHILDREN WITH A DIAGNOISES & A SCRIPT THAT HAVE NO VOICE TO HAVE A VOICE !!!!
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