We want Père Sebastien Groleau to stay in Chapleau

    Father Sebastien Groleau is our catholic pastor/ priest at our parish in Chapleau, Foleyet , Gogama and Sultan.
    A few days ago , Pete Sebastien was informed by the Bishop of Hearst that he was being transferred to Kapuskasing. This has been done without consulting the people of our parish . It is totally unacceptable ! We want Sebastien to remain in Chapleau as our pastor . This petition has nothing to do with Sebastien’s replacement. Sebastien himself has confirmed that his replacement is a great pastor and leader .
    After a long conversation with Sebastien , he has admitted that he will submit to his Bishop will and is welling to move to Kapuskasing.
    This is unacceptable to us ! We want our pastor, our counsellor , our friend Sebastien to remain in Chapleau. This is not a negotiation !
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