Say No to Super Trawlers!

In 2012, the 143-metre long super trawler Margiris was denied access to Australian waters by Australia’s environment minister Tony Burke in the form of a temporary trawler ban. With that ban set to expire in November, we urge Prime Minister Tony Abbott to institute a permanent trawler ban to protect Australia’s waters!

Super trawlers are commercial fishing ships that drag massive nets along the seafloor catching everything in their wake. Trawlers have been widely criticized for catching and accidentally killing non-target animals including dolphins, sea turtles, sharks, and young, undeveloped fish. Trawlers are responsible for decreasing species diversity as well as large-scale destruction of the seafloor destroying marine habitats and shattering native coral.

Sign the petition to urge Abbott to institute a permanent trawler ban in Australia to protect our marine species and seafloor!

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