Elections can save animal lives. Vote Humane on November 3rd!

You know the truth: Elections can save animal lives.

One of the most powerful ways for us to protect animals is to ensure they have a voice in Congress, and the only way we can do that is by electing leaders who share our humane values.

This is our chance to vote for dramatic change, so that we can make sure that animal welfare is a top priority in the White House and the next Congress.

Will you pledge to stand with us and Vote Humane? 

Thanks to you, our movement has the power to impact elections and advance a legislative agenda that will put a stop to animal cruelty and neglect. From stopping puppy mills to confronting doping in the horseracing industry, to defending wildlife on our public lands, we are a powerful force when we stand together.

We can be an unstoppable force in the political and legislative process, but only if we use one of our most powerful tools: Voting.

So please, pledge to stand with HSLF and Vote Humane because animals only win when humane candidates do.
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