Tell Romney to Stop Hiding His Taxes

Benjamin Franklin famously said "The only certain things in life are death and taxes." For Mitt Romney, the latter doesn't seem to be that certain.

After much pressure, Romney finally released one year of taxes and the public outcry was immediate. In addition to off shore bank accounts holding millions of dollars, the Romneys only pay a 13.9% tax rate!

Both President Obama and Vice President Biden have disclosed their tax returns since 2000. When Romney's father ran in the Republican primary, he disclosed 12 years of taxes for full transparency.

Tell Mitt Romney we deserve transparency. It's time for him to take responsibility for his financial history and release his full tax records.

Mitt Romney-

As the Republican nominee for President, you owe the American people transparency about your finances. You have touted your financial expertise as the reason why you are qualified for office, yet you won't disclose your taxes.

[Your comments here.]

It's time to release your taxes for the past twelve years, just like President Obama, Vice President Biden and your own father have.
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