Take the Clean Air Advocate's Pledge

Yes! I pledge to be a Clean Air Advocate and help ensure that our cornerstone environmental law -- the Clean Air Act -- is used urgently and ambitiously to curb global warming and won't be diluted by hostile politicians or weak compromises this year.

Just as the Obama administration is beginning to use the tried and true Clean Air Act to address global warming, some in Congress have resolved to make 2012 the year they gut this law.

As a Clean Air Advocate, I will push the feds to use this crucial law to solve our most pressing environmental crisis. I'll help by taking action online, spreading the word and urging my city council to pass a resolution in support of using the Clean Air Act to curb global warming pollution. Our warming planet can't afford half-measures or more delayed action, so I'm pledging now to do my part to combat the worldwide crisis of our warming planet.
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