Cap Global Warming Pollution Now

President Obama says that our environmental and economic renewal "starts with a cap and trade" system to deal with global warming. But he needs the support of Congress to achieve this historic goal this year.

Far right reactionary groups and massively funded lobbying operations are already starting their aggressive efforts to defeat the climate legislation that President Obama is committed to enacting.

Please take action now and help us seize this moment of opportunity to cap and reduce America's global warming pollution and unleash a green energy revolution to rebuild our economy.
Dear Decision-Maker,

President Obama says that our environmental and economic renewal "starts with a cap and trade" system to deal with global warming.

But he needs your support to achieve this historic goal this year. Please don't succumb to special interests and lobbying groups that put profit over our environment. We need to act immediately, before it's too late.

We need to cap global warming pollution now. I'm counting on you to make sure this happens.

Thank you for your time.
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