STOP British Arms Being Used In Gaza

It has recently been reported that the UK government has suspended around 30 of the 350 UK weapons export licenses fuelling the conflict in Gaza. But this is nowhere near enough.

We cannot stand by and watch while UK weapons continue being used in this conflict, unleashing horror on civilians trapped in Gaza.  

That's why we are urgently demanding a full suspension of UK arms sales to Israel. And pushing the UK government to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire.

The bombing of Gaza is relentless. The ongoing violence has already claimed over 40,000 lives, including 10,000 children, and over 90,000 people have been injured.  

How many more children need to be killed, how many injuries need to go untreated, and how many mothers need to go for days without food so their children can eat a few scraps, before the UK government acts?

We need stronger action. We need the UK government to step up and be part of the solution, not part of the problem. We are urging them to:

  • Immediately suspend arms licenses and exports to the Government of Israel.
  • Do everything in their power to help bring about an immediate and permanent ceasefire.

It's time to act and put an end to this conflict. Please, add your name to our petition and join our call for peace and the protection of innocent lives. 
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