Tell General Motors: Stop Funding Climate Change Denial

Recently leaked documents reveal that General Motors is funding the Heartland Institute, a major climate change-denying "think tank." GM has been bailed out by American taxpayers, and the company says it wants to "proactively address the concerns posed by climate change." So it's outrageous to learn that our tax dollars are ending up in the hands of a group like Heartland.

The leaked documents also reveal Heartland's intention to affect public education by positioning climate change as "a major scientific controversy." This is business as usual for a group that made its name denying the links between second-hand smoke and cancer.

GM listens to its customers. So if you own a GM car or have ever thought of buying one, please sign this petition today to ask GM to immediately pull all funding from the Heartland Institute.
General Motors, and all other corporations, should immediately pull their funding from the Heartland Institute in light of Heartland's ongoing and persistent support of climate change denial.
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