Two Girls Threw a Hamster Against a Wall and Killed It

  • van: Andrew M
  • ontvanger: Devon and Cornwall Police

Two girls in Plymouth, United Kingdom wanted to be "Snapchat famous." But what they did to garner likes will disgust you.

The two teenagers filmed themselves throwing a pet hamster against a wall to so hard it died. The young animal abusers could be heard chuckling as the poor rodent thudded against the hard surface.

They then posted the video of the small critter's still body on social media. Writing "killed it."

When police were approached for comment on whether the case was being investigated, they refused to answer. That is unacceptable. Studies show that those that commit animal abuse are much more likely to resort to violence against humans. These girls need to be caught, tried and treated.

Please sign the petition and demand that police find these two girls and bring them to justice.

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