Fight Big Oil's Government Influence

The biggest barrier between America and a clean energy future is the political strength of the fossil fuel industry.

To achieve cleaner energy, we must expose and counter the political influence of Big Oil.

Big Oil has spent over $114 million buying access and influence in Congress. Now, oil and coal companies are pushing Prop 23 in California, the passage of which would suspend California's law that aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

In fact, 92% of contributions supporting Prop 23 are from companies that would be regulated by the legislation they're trying to overturn.

Big Oil and Coal are trying to rig the election in California and tighten their grip on our government: don't let it happen in California OR in your state. Send a message to your representative that you want a separation of oil and state.
Dear Congress member,

Congress' inability to pass meaningful energy and climate legislation is completely unacceptable. To break our nation's addiction to oil and coal, we have to break our addiction to dirty energy money.

I want no more oily representatives and no more subsidies to these rich corporations as rewards for campaign contributions. Our government should represent us, not the fossil fuel industry.

[Your personal comments will be inserted here.]

In California, 92% of the contributions behind Prop 23 -- the passage of which would suspend the Global Warming Act of 2006 -- are from companies that would be regulated by the legislation they're trying to overturn. The funding of Prop 23 is just one example of how oil has the power to influence our government -- unless WE put a stop to it.

I want a separation of oil and state. Fight the influence of Big Oil on our government.
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