Pledge to Eat More Organic

Eating organic foods is a delicious, nutritious way to make a BIG difference — and it's actually really easy to do. There are lots of yummy ways you can add a little more organic to your day.

Here are some easy ways to get started:
- Replace one conventional food item with an organic offering at every meal.
- Buy at least one organic item every time you shop.

It's especially important to choose organic for the staples you eat all the time, like bread. Many conventional breads have GMOs, synthetic preservatives, artificial sweeteners and dough conditioners such as azodicarbonamide, but not Rudi's Organic Bakery®. We've been baking on the bright side in small batches since 1976 using simple, organic ingredients. The more you support organic companies, the more all "the other guys" will take notice and start cleaning up their acts (and ingredient labels). See? BIG difference.

Start today: Commit to eating more organic and let's all work toward a tasty change.
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