Thank Our Wounded Warriors

The United States is a nation at war. Thanks to improvements in battlefield medicine and the use of body armor, men and women are surviving wounds that would have been fatal in earlier wars. While they have survived, their severe injuries have turned their lives--and the lives of their families--upside down, sometimes involving many surgeries, years of therapy and a lifetime of support.

But at home, support for those who have returned forever changed by war remains incomplete. The government provides first-class medical care for these men and women. But it is up to the nation to provide a first-class support network to ensure these patriots are given the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life.

That's why the USO is making a special effort to help our wounded warriors rejoin civilian society through education, training, advocacy and emotional and medical support.

We owe tremendous gratitude to Americans who serve in uniform, especially those who have been injured during their duties overseas.

Thank our wounded warriors for their sacrifices by supporting the USO right now.

Take the pledge: I support all our troops, especially those who have been injured during their duties overseas. These men and women put their lives on the line for us, so we must show them that we appreciate their sacrifices. I pledge to help the USO serve our troops through its great programs like Operation Enduring Care, the USO’s comprehensive, long-term initiative to support America’s wounded warriors and their families.
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