Stop the experimental murders of homosexual sheep!

  • van: Danielle Portugal
  • ontvanger: Charles Rosselli, Oregon Health and Science University
"Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), a school that has received criticism in the past for torturing monkeys in its labs, has officially been outed. Information has been brought to light about ridiculous gay sheep experiments that are being conducted at the school. You heard right: OHSU experimenter Charles Roselli is spending millions of taxpayer dollars to kill homosexual rams and cut open their brains in an attempt to find the hormone behind homosexual tendencies so that these tendencies can be changed. Roselli is also working with experimenter Frederick Stormshak of Oregon State University (OSU), who has surgically inserted an estrogen implant in the bodies of these rams in an effort to restore tissue levels of estrogen comparable to those of heterosexual rams and affect sexual behavior accordingly.

To put it simply, these experimenters believe that homosexuality is a defect that needs to be fixed, and theyre cutting open and killing gay sheep to do it. Roselli has made it very clear that he intends to use the findings of his experiments to cure humans next. In his application for public funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), he states that this research also has broader implications for understanding the development and control of sexual motivation and mate selection across mammalian species, including humans."

Homosexuality is neither a deffect nor a disease, and therefore needs no "cure!" Tell Rosselli to spare the lives of these innocent sheep!!

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