Sign our petition to ensure disabled people and their families get the support they need during the cost of living crisis.

Disabled people and their families are at breaking point. 

The cost-of-living crisis means that over half of disabled people are now in debt, with a third skipping meals to save money.

Life already costs more for disabled people, who face additional expenses for essentials like heating, insurance and therapies, leaving many exposed to the soaring energy, fuel and food costs. The financial support announced by the Government in May offers temporary relief, but disabled people need long term financial support to address the ongoing challenges they face. 

Without this, many disabled people are being forced to cut out essentials including using equipment such as hoists or breathing monitors. We're calling for long-term financial support for disabled people and their families, including increasing benefits in line with inflation and reinstating the Warm Homes discount for disabled people. 

Sign our petition and help ensure disabled people and those most exposed to rising costs get the support they need during this crisis.

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