Demand Congress Reject Trump's Tax "Reform" Until He Releases His Own Taxes!

Even as he is trying to pass "tax reform" to benefit billionaires, including himself, President Trump still refuses to release his own tax returns.

This is unacceptable.

The only presidential nominee in modern U.S. history to not release tax returns, Trump's refusal to show how he will personally profit from his own policies cannot be permitted by the U.S. Congress.

The American people deserve to know the true motives and conflicts of interest of the President of the United States, and yet Donald Trump continues to make clear that he is not interested in fulfilling his obligations to the American people.

It's time for Congress to make him. If Trump wants his tax cut, this time, he'll have to earn it.

We call on Congress to refuse to consider any tax reform provisions favored by Trump until he makes his own tax returns available to the public.

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petitie tekenen
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